Prof. Dr. François Renard (University of Oslo)
"The road to system-size failure in rocks"
Prof. Dr. Martin Dienwiebel (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
"Nanoscale mechanisms of graphite lubrication in technical systems"
Prof. Dr. Emily Brodsky (UC Santa Cruz)
"Asperities and Stress Drops on Earthquake Faults"
Prof. Dr. Eran Bouchbinder (Weizmann Institute of Science)
"Frictional rupture and dissipation: Unconventional singularities and energy scale separation"
Prof. Dr. Izabela Szlufarska (University of Wisconsin)
"Mechano-chemical coupling in tribological contacts"
Prof. Dr. Angela Pitenis (UC Santa Barbara)
"Tribology of Aqueous Gels"